
We are Minnow.

A tech-y best friend
for your business.


Getting a Haircut

We help businesses punch above their weight through better use of technology.

More like a tech-loving friend than a digital agency, we work with individuals and businesses to support all aspects of their digital needs. From apps and websites to CRM's, digital marketing, game development and AI, we constantly evaluate the tech landscape figuring out ways our clients can gain an advantage.

Dog riding a Skateboard


Chilling on the Couch

We work with an incredible bunch of individuals and teams working in a variety of different areas. Regardless, they all have the same question we help them answer; How can technology help us do more with less?

My only regret is that we didn't collaborate with Minnow sooner.
Bryn Llewellyn

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No pitch, no strings...
as long as the coffee's good, we're all ears.

Dog howling at a cat