
Trauma Informed Schools Wales Website

We worked with Cwtch Consulting to design and develop a website showcasing the range of courses and services Trauma Informed Schools offer in Wales.

Trauma Informed Schools UK (TISUK) offer training for practitioners and professionals working in schools and communities to develop their capacity to support the mental health of children in their work. In Wales the TISUK business is operated by Cwtch Consulting and as such needed a dedicated website tailored to the Welsh market.

The challenge here was to adhere to the core TISUK branding guidelines but still create a site that had a distinct identity. In addition it was necessary to offer the website in both the English and Welsh languages.

The TIS Wales website was custom built using Astro and is integrated into an Airtable back-end for content management. This includes populating the site with up to date course information, timetables, events and social media feeds.